I can provide monthly educational HOA workshops on topics such as Board Governance, HOA Elections, best practices for HOA meetings, how to evaluate an HOA property management company, the Davis-Stirling Act, Board ethics, HOA finances, HOA insurance, HOA reserve studies, building maintenance, conflict resolution and much more! As a licensed California property and casualty insurance agent (#0E35018), I can provide associations with insurance reviews, including how to file an insurance claim and unlike most residential property managers, I also have a California real estate license (#02150532) and I am a licensed California notary public (#2482101). With over ten years of experience in financial services, I can help associations develop their Annual Budget, analyze their Reserve Study, and interpret their financial statements and reports.
HOA Elections Gal LLC offers Inspector of Elections services for small to mid-size homeowner associations (100 units or less) in Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, and Solano Counties in California. As a member of the California Association of Community Managers and Community Associations Institute, I earned the CCAM, CMCA and AMS designations and gave a presentation on Association Elections with Alex Noland, Esq. and Tom Chaffee, Esq. at the 2024 California Association of Community Managers Law Seminar and Expo. I also gave a presentation on HOAs at the 2024 Habitat for Humanity International Conference and I am a licensed California Notary Public (#2482101). Volunteer poll workers, a licensee of the California Board of Accountancy, and notary publics are allowed to serve as the Inspector of Elections.
Election services can be customized to meet the individual needs of your specific community. I will prepare, distribute and administer the election process and provide a formal certification of the election results. HOA Elections Gal LLC fully complies with all Association Governing Documents and Civil Codes. If you need assistance with your Election of Directors, a Special Assessment Vote, Governing Document Amendment Vote, Recall Elections, Bank Loan Elections, or more, contact me. I can answer your questions and provide virtual education on elections and other HOA-related topics to board members and HOA members.
If you're interested in receiving an HOA election quote, please complete the Request for Proposal and email it to hoaelectionsgal@gmail.com with your association's Bylaws and Election Rules.
Spring Court Election Rules (pdf)
DownloadBoard Member Roles & Responsibilities
This is a short excerpt from my HOA workshop on Board Member Roles and Responsibilities. I included only half of the slides. Most of my HOA workshops are 60 - 90 minutes long, depending on the length of time it takes to discuss case scenarios, answer quizzes, and the Q&A session.