Real Estate Adventures and Beyond
Get to know Valerie!
Get to know Valerie!
I am a second generation Chinese American with a fierce passion and advocacy for people denied affordable housing opportunities due to disparities created by racial and economic segregation. As a child growing up in a desegregated, racially mixed school during the 1970s and 80s, I traveled by bus through densely populated neighborhoods of working-class families that were in stark contrast to the predominantly white middle-class neighborhood where my family and I lived. This upbringing led to my initial interest in investment counseling where I could play an instrumental role in narrowing the racial wealth gap. From financial services I moved to the affordable housing industry.
I believe in building community power through education, outreach and engagement. I have experience creating and leading educational workshops for first-time homeowners. I actively engage with residents by serving as their trusted advisor and consultant. As a former financial consultant and licensed California property and casualty insurance agent, I know how to conduct financial and insurance reviews, including financial audits. I possess a keen eye for detail and I demonstrate unwavering accuracy and thoroughness in my work. I have strong communication skills and financial acumen. I work well under pressure and can produce high-quality work in a fast-paced environment.
I am passionate about living in community, and living in right relationship with the earth, animals, and fellow human beings through mutual respect, responsible stewardship, equity, and inclusion. As a former renter, condominium owner, and current homeowner and landlord, I believe everyone should be given the opportunity to live in affordable housing. Housing is a human right (not a commodity) and I am dedicated to creating a world where there is social justice, abundance, equity, and inclusion. I am grateful for my educational and professional journey which has enabled me to build and cultivate relationships with diverse people from different cultures. Their unique stories and adventures have deeply enriched and informed my life experiences.